RSC Energia held a session of the Council of Chief Designers for the Russian Segment of the International Space Station
07/07/2015 RSC Energia held a session of the Council of Chief Designers for the Russian Segment (RS) of the International Space Station (ISS).
The Council of Chief Designers has reviewed the launch readiness of the manned transportation spacecraft Soyuz TMA-17M and launch vehicle Soyuz-FG; the readiness of the ISS, launch and range facilities, equipment and personnel of LOCT and MCC; search and rescue vehicles; crew medical support; the crews of Expeditions ISS-44/45 for the upcoming work.
Taking part in the proceedings were representatives of Roscosmos, space agencies from abroad, companies in the rocket and space industry and some other organizations participating in the ISS program.
General director Romanov O. P. and Chief engineer Savenkov V. V. represented our enterprise.