Successful launch of spacecraft Soyuz MS-03 from Baikonur
Launch of rocket Soyuz-FG with spacecraft Soyuz MS-03 was implemented on Baikonur on November 17, 2016.
Including aerospace industry delegation to the Baikonur were invited: sole stakeholder of Orbita, CJSC – Boris Nesterov; General Director – Oleg Romanov; Deputy General Director for Science – Chief Designer – Vladimir Savenkov.
November 20 at 00:58 MT the manned spacecraft Soyuz MS-03 successfully docked to Russian ISS module Rassvet. After about two days in free flight, the spacecraft reached the station. The docking with the Mini Research Module (MRM1) Rassvet was performed in the automatic mode.
Voltage converter systems SSC (ПОС-80РН) and TSC (ПТС-250РН) are installed in the spacecraft Soyuz MS-03. These systems are designed for power supply of the spacecraft onboard equipment. Our company designs and manufactures voltage converters for power supply of the SOYUZ and Progress spacecrafts onboard equipment since 1966.